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Information Security Policy

Seo Koatsu Kogyo Co. Ltd. (hereinafter, the Company) hereby establishes its Information Security Policy, and strives to enhance information security for protecting all its informational assets, including customer information possessed by the Company, in recognition of the importance of securing information security, thereby assuring the normal and smooth implementation of its business activities.

  1. Management System
    The Company establishes a system to protect and manage its informational assets, enforcing rules based on this policy, to promote its managerial activities for information security.
  2. Establishment of an Information Security Policy
    To implement its policy, the Company establishes an information security policy and communicates it thoroughly to its officers and employees.
  3. Observance of Regulations
    The Company complies with regulations, relevant rules, and contracts on information security.
  4. Implementation of Information Security Education and Training
    The Company actively provides its officers and employees with educational programs through which it can communicate the policy to them and improve its efforts toward information security.
  5. Prevention of and Response to Information Security Incidents
    The Company strives to prevent information security incidents. In the event of any such incident, the Company takes emergency actions to minimize damages, investigates its cause, and implements measures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.
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